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2006-08-28 00:00:00   作者:   来源:   评论:0 点击:

  • 某些运营商的“围墙花园”

    • 部署多个按使用计费的应用系统的CAPEX增加

      • 要求占据服务提供商、WAP门户和菜单位置,但用户帮助或选项少

      • 术语
        2G is the present generation of digital mobile communication providing voice services. Technologies for the delivery of such voice services include GSM, TDM, and CDMA.
        The present state of mobile wireless communications is often called 2.5G
        3G is a short term for third-generation wireless, and refers to near-future developments in personal and business wireless technology, especially mobile communications.
        3G-324M is the name of the H.324M variation adopted by 3GPP and 3GPP2 for the provision of conversational video services over the circuit switched bearer of 3G networks.
        AnswerFast™ is Dilithium Networks’ proprietary Fast Session Setup technology.
        ITU Recommendation G.723.1, Dual rate speech coder for multimedia communications transmitting at 5.3 and 6.3 kbit/s, 1996
        (Global System for Mobile communication, Adaptive Multi-Rate coding). The ETSI Adaptive Multi Rate speech coder that provides audio coding for bit rates between 4.75 and 12.2kbps.
        General Switched Telephone Network
        Multiplexing protocol for low bitrate communications. Multiplexer used in H.324, H.324M, 3GPP-324M and H.324I
        Specifies messages for call control including signaling, registration and admissions, and packetization/ synchronization of media streams between H.323 terminals
        Command and control protocol between multimedia terminals. Used in H.323 and H.324M/3G-324M protocol stacks.
        This standard is used in VoIP and multimedia communications over the Internet and local area networks. Include H.245 and H.225.0 ITU Recommendation H.323, Packet-based multimedia communications systems, 1998.
        This standard is used in multimedia communication (voice and video) over the public switched telephone network and the mobile network (H.324M == mobile).
        When video frames are encoded, a frame coded as an I-VOP (Intra-frame) uses only information from that frame. This contrasts with other types of frames (P-VOPs) that reduce their payload by referencing information sent in previous video frames (I-VOPs)
        Internet Protocol
        Media Gateway Controller
        MPEG (pronounced M-peg). Moving Picture Expert Group, part of the International Standard Organization. MPEG is the nickname given to a family of International Standards used for coding audio-visual information in a digital compressed format. The MPEG family of standards includes MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4.
        MPEG audiovisual standards 14496 (1-5). The MPEG-4 standard provides scalability in bit rate and bandwidth, as well as the ability to generate bit streams at a arbitrary bit rates. The MPEG-4 CELP coder supports two sampling rates, namely, 8 and 16 kHz. The associated bandwidths are 100-3400 for 8kHz sampling rate and 50-7000Hz for 16 kHz sample rate.
        Mobile Switching Centre
        A formal set of procedures that are adopted to ensure communication between two or more functions within the within the same layer of a hierarchy of functions
        When video frames are encoded, a frame coded as a P-VOP (Inter-frame) uses information from previously coded frames (I-VOPs).
        Q.931 is the connection control protocol for ISDN. Q.931 manages connection setup and breakdown but doesn't provide flow control or perform retransmission, since the underlying layers are assumed to be reliable and the circuit-oriented nature of ISDN allocates bandwidth in fixed increments of 64 kbps.

        1. CIBC. July 2006.

        2. Computer Industry Analysis. March 2006.

        3. CacheLogic “P2P” in 2005. Weighted by volume of traffic on each network. December 2005.

        4. IMS Research, Worldwide uptake of Wireless services. May 2006.

        5. GSMA, 3G Today, Computer Industry Analysis & Industry Estimates. June 2006.

        6. Jupiter Research. June 2006.

        7. Fierce Wireless. March 2006.

        8. Dilithium Networks research based on consensus industry estimates per application growth area.

        9. Ovum/Telecom TV. January 2006.

        10. Harbor Research M2M Forecast. 2006.

        11. Dilithium Networks enabled service offerings. July 2006.

        12. Dilithium Networks research based on consensus industry estimates per application growth area.

        13. USA Today. July 25th, 2006

        14. Dilithium Networks analysis and solutions. July 2006.

        15. Network World. June 2006.

        达丽星网络公司供稿 CTI论坛编辑


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